Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Planting some things in the garden

Although it's 4 weeks early for it, I succumbed to the pressure of planting some things into the garden. Seeds are cheap, and I have tons at my disposal anyway( since I save nine from the previous year), so went ahead and took a gamble with planting squash, cucumbers, and watermelons. As indicated in the picture above, a couple of Early Girl tomato seedlings were even transplanted. There are plenty of those to go around, too.......


  1. I thought we'd get an early spring, but the warm weather was short lived. I got a couple of things out early, mainly seedlings of beets and spinach, but it looks as though everything else will go as previously scheduled. That's OK, I'm worn out from working on the new garden expansion these past couple of weeks. I need a rest!

  2. I planted peas and spinach in the garden in February a month early. My thought was the same. Seeds are cheap (saved from the previous year). Now they are all up and doing well.
